My name is Donna Brown. I have done a lot of geographical moves in my life, big ones and little ones. My most recent move was from Vancouver, British Columbia to Louisburg, North Carolina. I followed my husband here where he got a job as a mechanical engineer for Cummins. I was used to the busy life that a big city imposed and that entailed raising a family, while working full time, and going to school at the same time. Now that I have moved out here in the country, I always wondered whether I will enjoy living here and get accustom to laid back way of life.
My husband and I bought a house at Lake Royale with a half acre front and backyard. It’s not much of a yard compared to others, but it is more than we can ever afford to have if we were still living in Vancouver. We were so excited about landscaping and gardening. We both like to garden, but we had never been blessed to own a larger yard until now. My husband, Scott, gave me, as my arrival present, a strawberry patch in a wooden garden bed that he made. The very first week I arrived with our son Elias (3.5 years) and Audrey (4 months), we got busy planning the lay out of our garden beds, the size, and what plants to sow. We were very excited and have talked much about someday soon enjoying a cuisine made fresh from our vegetable garden.
As I was doing my research on various topics relating to gardening, some online information was useful and some were not. I found that a lot of the information came from simple gardeners like me. Then came the idea of sharing my own gardening experience online. After all, true gardeners share their garden.
I hope you enjoy this site.