Rose Propagation

2 weeks old with new shoots of leaves
How to propagate rose plants from cuttings, even knock out roses. It's best to do the cutting in spring, but if you are willing to baby sit the new plant indoor and have room for them, you may start mid to late winter to get ahead.
  • You will need a sharp cutter to make sure you do not crush the stem
  • I recommend cutting mature branches and not young ones diagonally (don't want the soft green stem)
  • Immediately put the newly cut stem in water
  • Before planting, shave around the bottom inch part of the stem to help it root easier if you don't have a rooting powder. If you do have a rooting powder, just take the wet bottom end of the stem, dip it in rooting powder and plant directly in the pot. You can get the rooting powder from Lowes or your local nursery
  • Press dirt around the plant to keep it firm and not loose
  • water well, do not over water but keep the soil moist
  • Place the pot near window or in bright areas (indoor), better outdoor if weather is warm enough (not freezing point).
  • In 2 weeks you will notice new leaves coming out as shown in the picture, it will take approximately 6-8 weeks for cutting to take root
Propagating rose will save you big bucks and it is easy to do and is rewarding. Just a note, when you propagate in the fall, you have to make sure that the new plant will not have a chance to freeze or else it won't make it. Best of luck.

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