
I did not realize how much I enjoyed having Jalapeno until our family started planting them. My husband and son planted a starter seedling indoors using all the seeds in the packet it came with. As a first timer, eager-beaver gardener, I transplanted most of those seedlings and so last year (2011), we had plenty of harvest and was able to do some canning and also give away to my neighbors and friends. Jalapenos are easy to grow and are prolific producers.

Jalapenos are popular with Tex-Mex dishes and for pickling. The plant fruit can grow to a lenght of 3 inches.
When and How to plant. Start indoors 8 weeks before planting outdoors. Keep seed moist in full sunlight. Transplant when 3 inches tall or sow directly after danger of frost. Sow directly in a sunny location after frost danger.
Harvest. You can pick them green or can be left on the bush to mature to a fiery red - color. Pick often to encourage production.

Health Benefits.

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