Bush Beans

Okay, I could not find where I have saved some good pictures of my bush beans, but here is a picture of proof that I planted some. I kid you not, if you are first time gardener, this is the plant for you, provided you love green beans, but then again who doesn't?

When I got variety of bean seeds from a friend, I got so excited and planted them and did not realized that there was a difference between pole and bush beans, one needs trellis and one doesn't. I prefer to plant the bush beans and not have to worry about a trellis.Lat year (2011) was my first time and it was a success. I had green beans available all through out the summer and into the fall. I learned how to preserved green beans by canning as well for the first time. Nothing like seeing the fruit of my labor, green beans and more green beans. This year (2012) I am looking forward to having more green beans readily available and also to fill my freezer.

When and how to plant. Direct seed after all danger of frost and night time temperature is at least 55 degree F.Once seed are planted, very little is required to keep bean plants healthy. They are low maintenance plant, and yet heavy producers. Space plants about 2 inches apart.

Harvest. Bush beans produce all their beans within 2 week period, so to prolong harvest, plant new bush beans every 2 weeks. Pole beans have longer period of production. Harvest the beans when the pods are crisp, firm and fully elongated but before the beans inside have enlarged. Pick when the foliage is dry (to reduce the possibility of disease) and handle the beans and plants carefully to avoid breaking the branches when you nip the bean off the plant. Harvest pole beans regularly to encourage further bean production.

Health Benefits.
Green beans are an excellent source of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber. Their high fiber content aids digestion and the protein helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Therefore, Diabetics and people who suffer from hypoglycemia can benefit from eating green beans. There is evidence that a diet rich in beans can lower cholesterol levels, especially the triglycerides.
Green beans, like other beans, are a good source of folic acid and molybdenum. They also contain considerable amounts of iron, magnesium, phosphorus manganese, and potassium.
The folic acid and B6 in green beans make them a “heart healthy” vegetable as well because it lowers an amino acid called homocysteine, which is known to be high in people with heart disease.
Of course because they are low in calories and filling, green beans are the dieter’s friend as well.

Source:  http://www.gardeningchannel.com/health-benefits-of-green-beans/

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